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January 1, 2002, auto insurance
companies for the first time can offer
Texas car owners a choice between: |
Continuing to pay fixed
installments at an annual rate.
[2] Buying miles of insurance
protection in advance as
needed—like buying
gasoline—at a cents-per-mile
rate. |
a fact that the miles put on anyone’s
car may vary widely from year to year as
circumstances change. That’s why a
one-size-fits-all rate cannot possibly
fit most of the thousands of cars a
company assigns to a rate group.
No matter how little (or how
much) your own car is driven, you still
pay for the cost of the average number
of miles driven by all of the cars in
your group.
Cents-per-mile choice would still keep
cars in the rate group but would
individualize what each owner pays.
Offering a mile rate requires a company to go one step beyond
setting its dollars-per-year rate for
each group.
In the additional step, the
company converts each existing annual
rate into the group’s alternative
cents-per-mile rate. To do this, a
company only needs to divide the
group’s year rate by the average
annual miles of the cars in the group.
works this way.
An insurance company assigns your
car to one of its rate groups according
to your zip code, car use and type,
driver type, and other information about
your household the company obtains. Your
car might be put into a group paying
$400 a year. If the company determined
that the average for cars in your group
was 10,000 miles a year, the alternative
mile rate for your group would be 4.0
cents a mile.
you chose the mile rate instead of the
annual rate, you might initially buy 2,500
miles for $100 (= 4.0¢/mi. x 2,500 mi.)
plus a nominal expense fee.
These miles would be added to
your car’s current odometer reading.
Before these miles were all
driven, you would have to buy more miles
to stay legally insured. |
drive, you pay - you don’t drive, you
don’t pay.
And you buy as many miles of
insurance protection as you need when
you need them.
Compulsory insurance would finally work.
With insurance on all miles
traveled, the cost of the insurance
system in Texas would be reduced for the
benefit of everyone.
With one additional step, insurers can now sell miles of car
insurance at cents-per-mile rates. But Texans must demand that the legislature make
the insurance companies take that small step.
to top of page |
expect the excuses to make sense.
Auto insurers rely on good driver
versus bad driver sales talk and black
box “risk factors” to keep their
simple product complicated and
The following excuses about loss of
efficiency, loss of risk factors, and
theft of insurance are more of the same. |
will be administratively difficult and
expensive to keep track of miles.”
Jerry Johns, Southwestern
Insurance Information Service, Austin
KVUE-TV News, February 19,
so. Cents-per-mile customers buy
miles of insurance protection as needed,
like buying gallons of gasoline.
Insurance automatically ends when
the odometer limit (recorded on the
car’s insurance ID card) is reached
unless more miles are bought. Customers
keep track of miles on their own
odometer to know when to buy more. The
company does no after-the-fact billing
of the customer, and the customer
doesn't have to estimate a "future
annual mileage" figure for the
will quickly learn to watch their own
For example, someone who buys
coverage from 60,000 miles to 62,000
miles on the odometer, but inadvertently
drives to 62,500 miles before buying
more miles (risking a ticket) would
probably not tell the company about
driving uninsured miles. When buying
more miles, however, it would dawn on
them that they are paying for 500 miles
of protection not received.
company only needs to keep track of the
miles purchased and add them to the
car's odometer record. The company is
then able to verify that insurance is in
force if a claim is submitted.
As a condition of issuing a
policy and renewing it each year, the
company has each odometer read at a
company service center, by a licensed
inspection station or even by an agent.
This allows the company to base next
year's cents-per-mile rates on its total
cost of claims for each category divided
by the total miles of exposure driven
during the year by all of the cars in
each category.
In fact, insurance verification at
traffic stops will be significantly more
efficient for both law officers and
insurers. Today's ID card shows the
policy term but not whether insurance
has been cancelled within the term
through failure to pay an installment.
Verification now requires a
time-consuming check with the agent or
company. Under the per-mile alternative,
checking the mile limit on the ID card
against the odometer reading will show
immediately whether insurance is
actually in force. |
Insurance Council of Texas says
companies aren’t offering the
cents-per-mile option because it
doesn’t account for risk factors like
where you drive or what time of day.”
Dallas WFAA-TV News, Jan. 30, 2002
is not possible to lose any real factor
that is causally related to the amount
of risk (like car type and use, car
value, and amount of insurance) because
the choice of a cents-per-mile rate is
offered only after the company's
risk factors have been used to
categorize the car.
If a
company currently claims to use job locations, work hours,
or other profiles as indications of
average "where" and "time
of day" driving conditions for
assigning cars to its annual rate
categories, then those risk factors—to
the extent they are not false ones like zip code and credit
history—are also incorporated in the
alternative per-mile rates offered for
cars already assigned to the rate
categories. |
will roll their odometers back to make
their cars worth more. Why would people
not be inclined to do that in this
instance as well?”
-- Doug Johnson, Insurance Council of
Texas, Dallas WFAA-TV News, Jan. 30,
2002 |
are powerful legal and practical
deterrents to this way of stealing
insurance protection. Odometers have
always served as the measuring device
for resale value, rental and leasing
charges, warranty limits, mechanical
breakdown insurance, and cents-per-mile
tax deductions or reimbursements for
business or government travel. Odometer
tampering—detected during claim
processing—voids the insurance and,
under decades-old state and federal law,
is punishable by heavy fines and jail.
As a
practical matter, resetting odometers
requires equipment plus expertise that
makes stealing insurance risky and
uneconomical. For example, in order to
steal 20,000 miles of continuous
protection while paying for only the
2,000 miles from 35,000 miles to 37,000
miles on the odometer, the resetting
would have to be done at least nine
times to keep the odometer reading
within the narrow 2,000-mile covered
range. (This repeated lawbreaking
defrauds not just an insurance company,
but also carmakers and other warranty
providers, plus all subsequent car
sauce for the goose is sauce for the
gander: If insurers claim to be
concerned about having miles of
protection stolen from them, where is
their concern about collecting money for
driving protection when the car is not
being used at all? If an owner gets sick
and the car just sits, it means that the
company rakes in money when there is
absolutely no risk of paying any out.
insurers may say they don't trust
customers with using odometers, but the
truth is that customers can't trust
insurers without using odometers. |
to top of page |
much for the excuses. In fact, what auto
insurance professionals really fear is
the threat posed to their credibility
and livelihood by the greater
efficiency, rate transparency, and
direct individual control of insurance
expense that per-mile rates provide. |

For example, selling additional
miles of protection only requires a
company to have computer access to the
odometer record for each car that it
insures and to print out an updated
insurance ID card showing the new
odometer limit. Therefore, competition
on customer convenience eventually may
lead to Automated Mile Machines at
banks, supermarkets, and filling
stations that, for a nominal service
charge, sell miles of protection for
policyholder cars.
argue that cumbersome systems using
global positioning satellites are
necessary to track cars and generate
bills at the end of each month for the
amount of travel
by the system. But that argument appears to be merely a new
attempt to preserve the use of arbitrary
black box “risk factors” and the
scope they allow for rate manipulation
to favor target markets.

The selling of auto insurance has always
subordinated measurement of risk to
all-out price competition in which truth
and some customers are the real losers.
Hundreds of insurance lobbyists and
thousands of company functionaries are able to stay employed by
promoting the false "risk
factor" profiling that keeps the
public confused about what they are
paying for.
some current profiles might possibly
become meaningful given a valid
statistical basis in mile rates, these
will not include the traditional ones
used in scapegoating various groups,
such as driver sex, credit history,
claim record, no-prior insurance, driver
record, and residence zip code. These
profiles are merely proxies for group
differences in annual miles per insured
car. (For example, households with
credit problems often have to give up a car and
put all of their driving on remaining
cars, thus raising the per-car annual
differences in annual mileage per car
are increased when consumers who need to
economize on insurance put more miles on
fewer cars in reaction to the fixed
annual per-car rates. The
differences in cost companies experience
are entirely the artificial products of
basing costs on insured years, not
insured miles. Therefore, group
differences in annual cost that are
attributed to the worthiness or moral
turpitude of the groups distinguished by
these false risk factors simply
disappear on a per mile basis.
also disappears is the credibility of an
entire industry that routinely pits
customers against each other by using
hidden information to profit at
their expense. Agents and companies
refer to the practice of overcharging
for cars driven less than average for
their annual rate category as
"skimming the cream.”

To compete for sales to desirable
customers who may buy other kinds of
insurance, companies set rates by
selecting categories created by not
measuring miles of exposure.
They also carefully ignore any
cost (and the underlying annual mileage)
differences that don't conform to the
marketing stereotypes they create.
example, companies have always charged
the same annual rates for liability
insurance for old and new cars. At one
time companies had planned
to charge higher liability rates to
insure older cars based on negative
stereotypes of owners of old cars, so
the companies could lower rates for
newer cars. But when the actuaries found
that older cars on average generate
fewer liability claims than newer cars
because they are driven less, the
industry leaders boasted that
"common sense" required
companies to ignore these statistics and
to continue to charge the same annual
rate for cars of all ages.
This instance of systematic
overcharging by insurance companies
(skimming the cream) has now gone on for over
forty years.
Using odometers and cents-per-mile rates
would call into question the
inefficiency and stereotype manipulation
that characterize the way auto insurance
is currently sold. It is for these
self-protective reasons that the auto
insurance companies refuse to allow
customers the choice of using their
odometers to measure and pay for the
insurance they need and are compelled by
law to buy.
But this “some customers be damned”
attitude of insurance companies also
extends to a “public policy be
damned” attitude about the state's
compulsory car insurance law. |
to top of page |

The solid idea behind compulsory
insurance is: every mile a car is driven
creates a risk, and that risk has a
statistical, but very real, cost.
That cost would not exist if the
mile had not been driven.
Therefore, each mile driven in a car
that is not insured imposes a cost (3¢
to 6¢ a mile) on the insurance system
that is not paid by the driver of that
this logic, Texas requires all
registered cars to be insured. When
lawmakers adopted compulsory insurance
over 20 years ago, they expected that
insurance would get cheaper for everyone
because more drivers would be sharing
the insurance cost of accidents.
Resulting lower rates would enable more
drivers to buy insurance, making rates
even more affordable so that eventually
all cars would be insured.
But this has not happened.
increased enforcement, the proportion of
miles driven by uninsured cars has
stayed at about 20%, while the
proportion of registered cars that are
without insurance is much greater, an
estimated 35%. (Most uninsured cars are
driven less than average and so are
under-represented in Department of
Public Safety accident statistics.) The
fault is not with the logic of the
public policy. Rather the barrier to the
success of compulsory insurance is that
insurance companies insist on using
fixed annual rates to collect the cost
of cents-per-mile risk.

The hindrance to getting more cars
insured is the immediate legal saving
that per-car rates encourage drivers to
get from insuring fewer cars and driving
them more miles. For example, a family
using two insured cars to drive 20,000
miles can reduce their insurance cost
50% by insuring only one car to drive
these miles.
catch is that two drivers may need the
car at the same time. Hence the family
may illegally keep the uninsured car
registered to use for limited driving on
an emergency basis.
second catch is that, while the same per
mile cost of accident risk (say 4¢) is
imposed statistically on the insurance
system whether one car or two is driven
20,000 miles, the insurance system
collects only half (50%) as much per
mile (2¢) to cover this imposed cost
when only one car is used.
a consequence, this way of saving
backfires if too many drivers in a zip
code make the same decision to use fewer
cars and drive them more miles. In this
case, the average annual miles per
insured car rises and the amount the
company collects falls below the
cents-per-mile cost to the company.
This leads companies to raise
their annual rate for the zip code in
order to increase the amount they
collect to cover the cost of providing
protection for more miles per car.
the sensible decision consumers make to
economize by piling more miles on
insured cars sets off a paradoxical
spiral of rising cost and fewer cents
per mile paid to insurance companies,
leading to higher rates per car that
result in still fewer cars getting

Tightening enforcement against
uninsured cars aggravates this spiraling
situation. The greater the risk of being
fined, or even of having a car
confiscated, the greater the economic
pressure becomes, despite the
inconvenience of sharing cars, to pile
more miles on the cars that are insured.
Less-driven cars are forced out of the
insurance pool, taking with them more
premium than miles (more $ than VMT). |
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